A complete solution of a business

offer end-to-end solutions and address the various need of different businesses

Website Design


It depends upon the features you need to design a website by full filling your requirements to achieve business goal . Website Designing having 3 development plans available - Basic Plan , Advanced Plan and Enhanced Plan .
Development Cost
It depends upon the features you need to design a website by full filling your requirements . Having 3 development plans available - Basic Plan using HTML , Advanced Plan using WORDPRESS & Enhanced Plan using Angular.
Technology Using
To design a website , development time varies from 15 - 20 days or more depending upon the features you are needed to design a website by full filling your requirements to achieve business goal in true sense .
Development Time


Most frequent questions and answers

A professional team of 1 developer + 1 designer + 1 deployment expert .

Payment Mode – Fund transfer through NEFT/IMPS in the name of Organization .

1. 1st Phase is Design , once get approval of design from client side the next phase is development .
2. Development – Coding & Development. After completion of development , the next phase is testing .
3. Testing – execution of testing of all functionalities .
4. the last phase is Deployment – Final Deployment Setup & Hosting process .
1. Advanced Pay / Sign Up Amount
To start up work [ Only Design ]
33% of development cost + Purchasing Tools Cost
2. Mid Of Session [ Coding & Development ]
33% of development cost
3. On Final Deployment
34% of development cost
Purchasing stuffs are all provided from client side . Domain name & hosting web space integration will be done by our experts .

The free session duration is 6 months . Free Maintenance is applicable for existing features only . For new development , charges are applicable as per terms and conditions applied .

If applicable , yearly maintenance charges have to give in advanced on or before free duration is expired . No maintenance , no charges .

It depends upon the services you needed to maintain . Integraff having maintenance plans – choose plan and pay accordingly . No maintenance , no charges .

Better Communication

At the time of development and after development client must assign a single personal for communication with whom Integraff personal will communicate for development and updates. No other person affair will be entertained from client side.

Focused end-to-end customized services

Software maintenance periodically

help to drive your application smooth , fast & secured